Monday, September 7, 2015

Monday Musings: My Friends Hate Me

I have this running joke every year at the beginning of September on Facebook. I act like I'm about to make some huge political statement, and then I basically just rant about how I hate pumpkin. So far, people still think it's funny, so I'm going to keep doing this. As my friend, Lars, says, "Funny once, funny every time."

Anyway, this year I was greeted with an onslaught of pro-pumpkin propaganda and otherwise funny memes, and since I used all my words for the week in my effusive post about Will yesterday, I present to you all the pumpkin funnies sent my way since I posted my anti-pumpkin rant.

Special thanks to Jim for creating my very own meme.
Carlin said she was going to pick some of these up for me on her trip to Target.

Oh, wait. That's just a picture of Lenny Kravitz staring longingly out a window. Kelsey sent me this which is why she's my favorite friend this week.

And then of course, there was this article on People with an extensive list of all the pumpkin-flavored things on the market right now. GAG ME WITH A SPOON.

I'll be over here with my pecan brownies, friends. Enjoy your nastiness far away from me.

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